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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Kennedy

The Center for Student Engagement and Activities Honors Women’s History Month

“Women’s History Month is important to me because it is a specified time during the year, in which we take time to acknowledge both contemporary women of our day and others throughout history who are important role models that have exemplified strength, dignity, passion for their ideals and, in many cases, have served as leaders in working for the advancement of others.”—Maria M.

In honor of Women’s History Month, we asked members of student organizations about the importance of this month, the women who inspire them, and what they want to bring to future generations of women.

Join us in celebrating Women’s History Month!

Wed., March 24–Women’s History Game Night @5:30 p.m., hosted by Pride@NU. Register here.

Thurs., March 25–Women’s History Student/Alumni Experience Panel. Register here.


  • Educators’ United–Maria M. (M.Ed. with SS Cred-Spanish ’21); Sonya F. (M.Ed., Special Education, Mild/Moderate); Teresa C. (M.Ed., Multiple Subject Teaching Credential).

  • OMEGA NU–Kelsey Kennedy, US Veteran-Navy (BS, Public Health); Stephanie Beck (MS, School Psychology)

  • Mind and Body Wellness–Kiarra Porter (M.Ed.); Aliyah Porter (M.Ed.)

  • NU Student Nurses’ Association, Los Angeles–Natalie Chappa (Bachelor of Science, Nursing)

  • Pride@NU–Breanna Foster (BA, Psychology)

Why is Women’s History Month important to you?

Aliyah: It is a time to remember the women before us who have paved the way for us to have the freedoms we have today.

Natalie: Many strong women have paved the way for the rest of us. It’s important to take time and recognize it. Women’s History Month is a reminder to all of us that when we celebrate the achievements and lives of other women, we make a profound statement of love and unity.

Stephanie: Women’s History Month is important to me because it is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of women. Currently, a few well-known women are occasionally name-dropped in the U.S. History classes. This sends a message that women’s accomplishments are secondary, even though many pivotal roles were just not credited, and many opportunities were also not given to women.

By recognizing the many accomplishments in women’s history month, it not only provides a more well-rounded historical education, but it also paints a picture for the future generation, where women are valued, and girls are encouraged to reach their goals. Women’s History Month is a symbol of change for the future, where women are seen as equally important to everyone, rather than secondary.

Teresa: I’m one of four daughters. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shared this fact about my life and received the response “Your poor Dad!” When I was younger, I didn’t really understand the sentiment, but as I got older, I realized it meant they thought it was a bad thing – that my dad was deserving of sympathy because he didn’t have a son. I had three beautiful older sisters to help me navigate life, and I just couldn’t see that as a bad thing. They helped me steer clear of mistakes they once made, supported me when I wanted to try something new, and comforted me in times of trouble. They set a shining example for me of what a sisterhood should look like.

Teresa and her sisters.

What do you hope to contribute to future generations of women?

Maria: As an aspiring secondary school educator of the Spanish language, I hope to contribute my passion and appreciation for the subject matter to students through a multifaceted lens that acknowledges the importance of the diversity of all of my students, their histories, and that of the world around them. My hope is that I can support and inspire my students to respect and acknowledge the importance of our diverse world through their learning of Spanish language and culture.

Kelsey: I want to be able to guide the younger generation, like my two very own little girls. I want to be able to make sure they understand that their dreams can become goals and those goals can be achieved. I don’t want them to think that society’s label of what a woman should be is something that should define you. No one can define you but yourself. No one can stop you, but yourself. I want to be able to contribute to the growth of our future through guidance and encouragement to those who do not quite know what it really means to be a woman and the struggles you may face.

Kiarra: I hope to influence future generations of women by showing them that anything is possible when you put yourself first.

Sonya: For future generations of women, I hope to guide them through the knowledge of internal strength. Encourage them to voice their opinions and speak up for what they feel is right. Show them the benefit of staying true to oneself and not sacrificing who you are for anyone. For if you feel the need to sacrifice yourself, you are denying the true essence of who you are, and who you are is unique and beautiful in every aspect of the word.

Breanna: My hope for future generations of women is that even in our lack of certain privileges, we remember to be inclusive of all who identify as women. My personal contribution to this hope will be evident in my practice as a future LMFT as well as in my daily life. As a woman who happens to be raising a child, one of my greatest goals in this lifetime is to raise my son to be empathetic, inclusive, and progressive. Although younger generations such as ours have progressed past certain toxic ideologies and are more educated on women’s issues, I do not doubt that the generations to come after us will progress even more. Topics such as gender awareness, correct use of pronouns, and inclusive representation are just a few of the essentials of which our society seems to be growing increasingly aware.

Natalie: I hope to inspire my daughter to work hard and fight for what she believes in. I am pursuing a second career and a college degree while in my 40s. I am juggling motherhood, a household, and a college student simultaneously. My message to my daughter and other young women is to have confidence in yourself and know that it is never too late to pursue your dreams. We are strong and resilient and can persevere even when roadblocks get in our way. All women can inspire others to speak up, dream, and love themselves.

Steph: As a student in the M.S. in School Psychology with PPS Credential program, I aspire to be a school psychologist that helps with the emotional and social issues of girls that are pushed down by sexist societal views. I hope to contribute to future generations of women by encouraging them to reach their goals and inspire them to have a voice, a passion, and a strong-lit fire in their hearts to advocate for their needs and the needs of others.

Which women in your life inspire you?

Breanna: My mother is also the main person who inspires me to chase after my academic goals. She was an adult learner who entered college very late in her life, starting at the age of 40. She had two kids whom she was raising alone and still found the drive within her to go after her academic goals. Seeing her put her education first, despite numerous obstacles, proved to me that anything is possible if you are willing to prioritize it and ask for help.

Kiarra: My mother influenced me to pursue my education as she did in her Sociology studies. I learned how to remain confident in myself. Success was everything my mother embodied and that is why she inspires me.

Teresa:My mother is also a huge inspiration for us, encouraging us to do things together as sisters and enrolling me in Girl Scouts so I could be around other girls my age as we learned practical life skills. My mother and sisters are my greatest allies. They keep me grounded when I need guidance and lift me up when I need support. As I matured, I surrounded myself with a sisterhood of strong women. Their guidance and kindness shaped me into the person I am today.

Stephanie: My mom, Young, continuously inspires me to achieve my dream of being a school psychologist. When I was a child, she sacrificed her dreams to take care of my brother and I. Thus, my mission to contribute to future generations of women doesn’t just start with me, it started with my mom. Through her selflessness, it is my goal to contribute to future generations of women by encouraging them to reach their goals by being an advocate, a resource, and hopefully an inspiration.

Kelsey: My mother, who has never had anything handed to her, was always told she wasn’t enough, still pushed through and raised me to her best ability as a single mother. She worked two jobs, was barely home because of determination to give me whatever she could. She showed me what true strength is.

Maria: When I think back in history, I think of the first feminist that I know of from the Americas, Sor Juana Inés De la Cruz (1648-1695), a self-taught, writer, composer, poet, playwright, and staunch advocate for a women’s rights for education, who, in a man’s world, became a nun so she could have the time to continue with her intellectual pursuits. Her love for learning and struggle to be able to do so is truly inspiring to me. My paternal Mexican grandmother and namesake is another person that I drew much inspiration from. She was widowed young, survived life’s adversities, and learned to read and write in her mid-sixties. To her memory, I dedicate my academic accomplishments and professional pursuits.

Sonya: The absolute most inspirational woman for me is my mother. She passed away 16 years ago now, but not a day goes by that I do not think about her and how incredibly blessed I am to be raised by such a shining light. She raised six exceptional women. I idolize how she managed all components of the household having only had a second-grade education in Mexico. She was incredibly tenacious, loving, supportive, and always seemed to run everything so seamlessly.

My eldest sister is also another inspirational woman in my life. She epitomizes the modern-day mother with balancing her full-time job, four active children and the day-to-day household responsibilities. Not only is she always there for her own, nuclear family; she is also always there for her five siblings. Her strength, resilience, and unconditional support is exceptionally inspirational.

Aliyah: A woman in my life that inspires me is my grandmother. My grandmother was strong minded and built up those around her, embracing family and her community as one.

Grandmother Henrietta’s Poem

Although gone you are still here

Your presence far but near

Your legacy lives on to this very day

Looking for guidance from you in every way

You are loved, cherished, and always remembered

You are now apart of a timeline, a timeline that many have entered

All of our emotions for you can’t be measured but carried on, passed on, and taught

Not one of our family members will be forgot

We love you and feel your presence everyday

We love you Henrietta Elizabeth Hill from sweet Bessie Mae.

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